Teilhierarchien kopieren

Die folgenden beiden Prozeduren, copySubtree und copySubtreeAndLinks, kopieren eine Ordnerhierarchie an eine andere Stelle. Im Unterschied zu copySubtree, passt copySubtreeAndLinks nach dem Kopiervorgang die Links, die auf Dateien in der ursprünglichen Hierarchie zeigen, so an, dass sie auf die neuen, kopierten Dateien zeigen.

# $Id: copySubtree.tcl,v 1.2 2002/03/27 15:51:06
# Last changed: 2009-09-25
# Purpose:
#   copySubtreeAndLinks: Copy a file tree and re-generate the links
#   copySubtree: Simple tree-copying without linkage
# Parameters:
#   File ID or name of the folder to copy,
#   File ID or name of the destination folder
#   [keepStatus]
# keepStatus (optional) tries to assign the same status to the copied files
# as they had before and prints a warning if a file has a released and a
# draft/committed version. In this case only the released version will be copied.

proc copySubtreeAndLinks {{objId ""} {destination ""} {option ""} } {
  if {$destination==""} {
    global copySubtree_usage
    puts $copySubtree_usage
  if {($option!="") && ($option!="keepStatus")} {
    puts "$option is a not allowed option!"
  set to_release 0
  set objId [findObjectId $objId]
  set destination [findObjectId $destination]
  set oldPath [obj withId $objId get path]
  set newPath [obj withId $destination get path]
  set newPath $newPath/[obj withId $objId get name]
  if {[catch {findObjectId $newPath}] == 0} {
    set newPath [obj withId [obj withId $destination create objClass \
      [obj withId $objId get objClass] name [obj withId $objId get name]] get path]
    obj withPath $newPath delete
  puts "Copying files ..."
  copySubtree $objId $destination $option
  puts "\nSubtree successfully copied, now links will be adapted ..."
  set newId [obj withPath $newPath get id]
  foreach i [listSubtree $newId] {
     if !{[obj withId $i get isMirror]} {
        if {[obj withId $i get isReleased] == 1} {
          obj withId $i unrelease
          set to_release 1
        foreach j [obj withId $i get subLinks] {
          set dest [link withId $j get destinationUrl]
          if {[regexp "^$oldPath" $dest]} {
            regsub $oldPath $dest $newPath dest
            link withId $j set destinationUrl $dest
        if {$to_release == 1} {
          obj withId $i release
          set to_release 0
  puts "done"

proc copySubtree {{objId ""} {destination ""} {option ""} } {
  if {$destination==""} {
    global copySubtree_usage
    puts $copySubtree_usage
  set objId [findObjectId $objId]
  set destination [findObjectId $destination]
  if {$objId == $destination} {
    puts "You can't copy a file to itself"
  set newId [obj withId $objId copy parent $destination]
  puts -nonewline "\r$objId"
  flush stdout
  if {$option=="keepStatus"} {
    if {[obj withId $objId get isCommitted]=="1"} {
      obj withId $newId commit
    if {[obj withId $objId get isReleased]=="1"} {
      obj withId $newId release
      if {([obj withId $objId get isCommitted]=="1") ||
          ([obj withId $objId get isEdited]=="1")} {
        puts "\nFile $objId has a released and a draft version.\ 
          Only the released version was copied"
  if {[obj withId $objId get objType] == "publication" &&
      ![obj withId $objId get isMirror]} {
    foreach i [obj withId $objId get children] {
      copySubtree $i $newId $option

Speichern Sie bitte beide Skripte in einer einzigen Tcl-Datei ab. Öffnen Sie eine Tcl-Shell, stellen Sie eine Verbindung zum Content Manager her und lesen Sie die Tcl-Datei mit dem Befehl source ein. Nun können Sie die beiden Prozeduren verwenden. Das folgende Beispiel kopiert den Ordner /de/news komplett nach /internet/de/news:

copySubtreeAndLinks /de/news /internet/de